Bumps & Lumps on Your Cat (Cysts, Masses, and the Like)

Molly Maldonado
3 min readMar 24, 2024

Right now have I two cats with Cancer. Calpyso, a 10-year-old shorthaired Calico with a large mass under her right front leg, and Patches, a lovely 12-year-old Turkish Angora mix whose back legs are disabled. Sharing my experience with other cat owners to help you identify issues early.

Black and white longhared cat born with twisted kitten leg syndrome.

About 30 days ago, Calypso started limping. Given I have 10 cats and have had many more over the years, I thought this was age-related arthritis. She’s 10. After a couple of weeks, the limp turned into a large, very hard flat mass under her leg and across her chest. I brought her to the vet and after a fine needle aspiration, they saw spindle cells which indicate cancer, technically a sarcoma. We did a follow-on ultrasound and x-ray to better understand the mass.

#1 My first learning — Since that first vet visit, Calypso’s mass has grown quickly into a baseball-sized cyst that’s hard as a rock. It’s growing every day. If you see a health issue with your cat, get to your veterinarian ASAP. In this case, Calypso’s next step is to get a CT scan, however, given the size and shape of her mass, she would need two ribs and her front leg removed and that would not guarantee treatment.



Molly Maldonado

Telling my life story one article at a time. Generational Trauma. Childhood Bullying. Cats. Job Search. LinkedIn. Much more to come.